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Can You Solve This Mathematical Fuzz?...And Win A R/Card!

Can you solve this question? if you can then send the answer while we reward you with  a recharge card.. for the first ten correct answers...Goodluck


  1. Since 8=56(8x7)
    Then 7=42(7x6)
    Simply subtract 1 from the left hand side and multiply it with the answer ie 3-1=2; then 3x2=6.
    I rest my case.

  2. 3 is definately 6...Judging from the arithmetic progression there...8 is multiplied with the next digit before it which is 7 to get 56,7 is multiplied by 6 to get 42...In d same way,4 can be multiplied with 3 to get 12 nd thus 3 is multiplied with 2 to get 6


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