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No Living Soul Is A Saint....Dayo Adeneye

According to National Enquirer, Dayo Adeneye (D1) is currently swimming in the ocean of a paternity scandal with a UK based lady Susan Ekpe whom he allegedly met in 2009.

D1 is being accused of fathering a two year old girl who according to them, is "D1's perfect replica." Well, the gist has not been confirmed tho, but if it is true, oga D1 abeg take a cue from Dino Melaye and own up to responsibility for the child's sake. Thank you. Now continue at the cut to read the full details of what went down...
Unedited Version Culled From National Enquirer

There`s definitely a top secret popular broadcaster, Dayo Adeneye a.k.a D1 would not want anybody to know if he has his way but unfortunately the beans has been spilled. The business partner of the famous Kenny Ogungbe of PrimeTime Entertainment fame is sure having sleepless night over his amorous affair with a lady who`s based in the UK.

According to sources, Dayo Adeneye must have bitten more than he can chew as his unguarded extra marital affairs has started to hunt him as plans to get rid of the pregnancy which his UK mistress had for him was abortive leaving D1 at crossroads.

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