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How Easting One Egg Daily Can Improve Your Health Status

The  agelong old wife’s fable that eggs are bad because they have high calories has been debunked by experts as untrue. Ruth Tene Natsa speaks with experts on the many benefits of eggs to the human body
In what may seem a baffling turn of beliefs, experts have said eggs may prevent breast cancer as women who consume at least six eggs per week reduce their risks of breast cancer by 44 per cent.
This, therefore, means that high intake of eggs by women may just be what is needed to put cancer at bay.
According to studies, eating eggs helps regulate the brain, nervous and cardiovascular system since one egg yolk has about 300 microgrammes of choline, which is not even up to the cholesterol required daily.
Speaking with journalists on the occasion of the World Egg Day in Abuja recently, the Director-General, Poultry Association of Nigeria, Mr Onallo Akpa, said, “According to experts, it is not only acceptable to eat eggs,  but it is healthy for consumption contrary to popular opinion that eggs have very high cholesterol.”

Way back, many believed that eggs were the exclusive rights of the rich while many others believed that allowing children to eat eggs would not only teach them covetousness, but would lead the children to steal. All these have been rejected by modern studies which have revealed that eating eggs will not only help the physical growth and development of children, but will ensure sound mental health.
Reacting to the arguments  that eggs may be too expensive and not affordable for the common man, Mr Akpa, said, “Egg is not a big man’s food, but what every Nigerian can afford and access as the highest price is N30 per egg.
 “An egg possesses more than six grammes of protein and around 212 milligrammes of cholesterol which is less than the 300 milligrammes recommended for daily intake,” adding that “egg is a source of many kinds of nutrients which promote healthy hair and nails, assists dieters to lose weight and helps reduce skin ageing among other benefits.”
He said egg contains very important nutrients such as selenium, vitamin A, E, riboflavin, choline and lutein which among others help the immune system, help in the transformation of food in the body into energy, aid memory and mental capacity while the lutein found in the yolk prevents macular degeneration.
Dr Amaka Nwoga of Nengem Nigeria Limited said there were  several scientific facts to disprove the saying that eggs have very high cholesterol, adding  that a Mayo clinic trial showed that cholesterol is only high in the yolk as the maximum amount of cholesterol any one should eat is 300 milligrammes  per day and the yolk of the egg is all that has cholesterol. So for those who are worried, she said  that they can eat the white part and leave out the egg yolk which contains just 150 milligrammes for medium size eggs which is well below the required daily content and maintained that the poultry egg is the best among eggs.
So for egg lovers who have lived in fear of cholesterol, experts are saying “eat with no fear” and for pessimists who perceive death the mention of eggs, maybe it is time to take a look at the benefits rather than the supposed dangers. =======Source

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