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So Flavour still doesn’t like to wear shirts… and 4 other things SK Johnson learnt from the ‘Ada Ada’ video

The latest video to hit the Nigerian music scene comes from Flavour and is in support of his latest single “Ada Ada.” The visual (which is quite splendid, by the way) was released 3 days ago and along with it came a myriad of lessons for the viewer, the top 5 of which we present to you below.
1. Flavour still isn’t a fan of shirts.

Has Flavour ever released a music video in which he was fully clothed throughout? That’s doubtful, and if anybody was hoping this would be the first one, well, you thought wrong. At this point the only logical conclusion is that there’s some special piece of equipment always present on Flavour’s video shoot sets, which generates so much heat he has no choice but to take off his shirt and cool off.

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