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VMB Readers! I'm In Big Blackberry Wahala With My Girlfriend - What Do I Do?

Hi VONI Group, please help me publish this, I am a young man...close to 30yrs.. my girlfriend is 23... something happened last week Saturday ..I want to share..and I need truthful comments.

Ever since I got her a BB...my girlfriend has turned to a walking ghost. I talk to her, she damns me.
She is easily carried away, chatting with people and friends and reading rubbish and how a man should treat a woman right.
All these don't even bother me. The new one is that she shouts me down and frequently walks out on me.
All these have been happening for over 4months. I don talk tire but my girlfriend who believes that a man and a woman are on the same level has refused to change.
On the 7th of this month, I went to pick her from her house to take her to my place.
As I dey drive, she dey press her phone. She was smiling and just talking to herself., I didn't even bother.

We got home late that evening...from her house to my house..no word uttered.
When we got home, I put off the car and went to open gate, my madam girfriend was still pressing BB Phone.
I put off the car.and started carrying stuffs, she was still pressing phone. Then she came out, held the phone with one hand and was using the other hand to carry stuffs one by one.
I did the best I could, locked the car doors and I went into the house.

Because of the gate I opened, I was wet a bit as it was raining. So, I started looking for dry clothes to wear.
She sensed I was angry and she started following me up and down..I just ignored her.

Then she asked me ..how can one block someone on WHATSAPP ? and I said.."I DONT KNOW".. she just seeing the way I replied her..shouted right in my front "OHHHHHH" and hissed and walked away.. I just stood there amazed..

Because stuffs we brought in were still lying on the ground and she walked to the palour still pressing her phone, I was so pissed.
Then after I changed into something warm, I walked straight to the palour. Still seeing her pressing phone ohh.. with that annoyance..I asked her.. "GIVE ME DAT PHONE" AND she said NO.

So, I took the phone and smashed it with annoyance on the ground and the screen just scattered.. only for her to burst into tears, crying.
The next day was her birthday, she said the birthday party was cancelled oh..say she no dey do again..I had to pet her till the next day, she refused.
I had to call my uncle who now begged her before she agreed to have the party.

TO REMIND UNA..na me spend money to do birthday for her ohh.. I even had to borrow extra money from my brother to make sure it was cool and beautifull..and I made sure she smiled on that day..

The next day, she now said she needs her phone back working. I was shocked. I told her dat I was broke..I no get money..that is she not aware that I used all my money to do her birthday party, she said that for me to destroy her property, I must take responsibility to fix it.

Since monday last week, her face has been like a car that was jammed from the back. She talks to me rudely. She even said she wants a break in the relationship!
This is a girl that I have given certain privileges to, which I will not disclose here and even her friends envy her..

Yesterday she said that she dey watch me since and I have refused to do the phone, that I should go and find money to fix it...even if I bought the phone for he, that i should fix it. I told her I would get a smaller phone for her..she said NO.

What should I do? Please say.

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