REVEALED: Check Out Steps to Gain University Admission Without JAMB
#VMBARTICLES : It is no news again that every year, millions of students purchase JAMB
form and write the exam,thereafter proceed to write a POST-JAMB exam
before admission can take place or occur. This admission also depends on
the students performance in both Jamb and Post UTME, Some even say it
also depend on the level of your connections.
This process starting from purchasing a jamb form to purchasing a post utme form,writing an exam and coming out with a good score is what some student has not been finding so easy or funny.
The most painful aspect about this is that the moment you don’t pass the JAMB and you don’t have a good score in the Post UTME,all your efforts that year is just wasted.
About a hundred and thousands of students failed this year Jamb,the highest in its...
existence. A very high population of student failed jamb though some of them blame their failure on jamb but the actual fact is thatsome student have passed through Jamb more than 8 times,And everytime they come out with 240+,250+,260+ and still no ADMISSION was given to them!
As a concerned educationist, have received lots of calls,sms and emails from various jamb candidate that is their any other way to gain admission without jamb because they can’t risk staying at home for another year (which is not even sure they will make it the next time).This as made me togo into findings(which have cost me hundred of naira on calls) and finally i came out with a result on gaining admission without jamb.
In this article, i won’t be talking about school that accept your jamb score, rather i will be discussing about OTHER WAYS YOU CAN GAIN ADMISSION INTO TERTIARY INSTITUTION WITHOUT JAMB.
1.THROUGH IJMB: Wondering what is the meaning, it is called INTERIM JOINT MATRICULATION BOARD, It is an A level program of 9 month that after completion qualifies you to 200 level in any Nigeria University through Direct Entry. It is a legitimate program which i confirmed from some student in unilorin,Uniabuja and ABU Zaria where this program are done,It also been stated in in jamb brochure’CHECK PAGE 4 OF JAMB BROCHURE ITEM 2.2 (2) TO CONFIRM IJMB AS A REQUIREMENT FOR UNIVERSITY ADMISSION’ also check “IJMB DIRECT ENTRY PROGRAMME”under “KWARA STATE UNIVERSITY ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS” “PAGE30 of jamb brochure” to confirm this.
This program doesn’t need jamb rather all its requires is your o’level resultbe it Waec, neco, nabteb etc (5 credit one sitting,and 6 credit two sittings).Most jambite who failed either in jamb or post ume in the past always do this program and most of them get admission into 200level and meet their colleagues in 200 level.The goodnews is that a lot of people areentering into the university with IJMB program directly into 200 level because of its relevance.
After the 9 months,candidate sit for the final examination of IJMB in”MOST SELECTED POLYTHECNIC” for two weeks…Some weeks after the exam,your result will be released which you can use to apply for Direct entry to any nigeria university.
Note: REGISTRATION has commenced and closes MAY 12,Late registration after MAY 12 requires extra charges on the Registration/Form Fee only.
2.THROUGH DIPLOMA/PRE-DEGREE/FOUNDATION/CPES: Mostly all nigeria tertiary institution offers a diploma and/or pre-degree program.Diploma is a program that runs for 1/2/3 years depending on the school and course which upon completion give you admission into 200level through direct entry while pre-degree runs for 7-9month depending on the school which gives you admission into 100level upon completion.
In addition to my findings about pre-degree some school requires you to pass your jamb but some dont mind your jamb score.The underlisted are some university that don’t mind your jamb score
(a)lautech ogbomosho
(b)adekule ajasin
(c)bayaro university
(d)unaab abeokuta
(e)unaad ekiti
(f)futa akure(required 180 jamb score)
(g)And many more!!!
For available pre degree/diploma/foundation/cpes forms, and to help you obtain and fill your application forms successfully, Contact VNTI On: or 2348153020360
3.THROUGH ANY LEGITIMATE A’LEVEL AWARDING EDUCATIONAL CONSULT: There are some legitimate educational consult across nigeria that award A’level result which can be use to apply for admission into 200level in any tertiary institution in and outside nigeria(i don’t want to mention names because am not here to make advert for any)
There is no much difference between my No.1 and these, just that my No.1 can only be used in nigeria,authorized by government and mostly recognized by our tertiary institution.
4.THROUGH SCHOOLS OUTSIDE NIGERIA: All schools outside nigeria dontrequire you writing jamb or your jamb score, All its requires is your WAEC, or WAEC-GCE result which you must at least have (minimum of 4 credit in one sitting,and 5 credit two sittings)
In-line with my finding,going for these option largely depends on anyone you can afford,for example studying within west africa(e.g Ghana) are muchcheaper than travelling abroad.So the decision is yours!

5.THROUGH SOME PROFESSIONAL/INTERNAL COURSES OFFERED IN OUR UNIVERSITY AND POLYTECHNIC: In my finding,i was able to find out that The Polytechnic Ibadan offers a course called LOGISTIC AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT,These course is not among the school curricular courses but done within the school and offers a National Diploma(ND) upon the completion of two years.
So many of the internal courses are done in our tertiary institution which people don’t know about and doesn’t requires you writing jamb or post jamb. call and ask your friend,relatives in any tertiary institution and enquiry about courses done in his/her school that doesn’t require jamb or post jamb.
This process starting from purchasing a jamb form to purchasing a post utme form,writing an exam and coming out with a good score is what some student has not been finding so easy or funny.
The most painful aspect about this is that the moment you don’t pass the JAMB and you don’t have a good score in the Post UTME,all your efforts that year is just wasted.
About a hundred and thousands of students failed this year Jamb,the highest in its...
existence. A very high population of student failed jamb though some of them blame their failure on jamb but the actual fact is thatsome student have passed through Jamb more than 8 times,And everytime they come out with 240+,250+,260+ and still no ADMISSION was given to them!
As a concerned educationist, have received lots of calls,sms and emails from various jamb candidate that is their any other way to gain admission without jamb because they can’t risk staying at home for another year (which is not even sure they will make it the next time).This as made me togo into findings(which have cost me hundred of naira on calls) and finally i came out with a result on gaining admission without jamb.
In this article, i won’t be talking about school that accept your jamb score, rather i will be discussing about OTHER WAYS YOU CAN GAIN ADMISSION INTO TERTIARY INSTITUTION WITHOUT JAMB.
1.THROUGH IJMB: Wondering what is the meaning, it is called INTERIM JOINT MATRICULATION BOARD, It is an A level program of 9 month that after completion qualifies you to 200 level in any Nigeria University through Direct Entry. It is a legitimate program which i confirmed from some student in unilorin,Uniabuja and ABU Zaria where this program are done,It also been stated in in jamb brochure’CHECK PAGE 4 OF JAMB BROCHURE ITEM 2.2 (2) TO CONFIRM IJMB AS A REQUIREMENT FOR UNIVERSITY ADMISSION’ also check “IJMB DIRECT ENTRY PROGRAMME”under “KWARA STATE UNIVERSITY ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS” “PAGE30 of jamb brochure” to confirm this.
This program doesn’t need jamb rather all its requires is your o’level resultbe it Waec, neco, nabteb etc (5 credit one sitting,and 6 credit two sittings).Most jambite who failed either in jamb or post ume in the past always do this program and most of them get admission into 200level and meet their colleagues in 200 level.The goodnews is that a lot of people areentering into the university with IJMB program directly into 200 level because of its relevance.
After the 9 months,candidate sit for the final examination of IJMB in”MOST SELECTED POLYTHECNIC” for two weeks…Some weeks after the exam,your result will be released which you can use to apply for Direct entry to any nigeria university.
Note: REGISTRATION has commenced and closes MAY 12,Late registration after MAY 12 requires extra charges on the Registration/Form Fee only.
2.THROUGH DIPLOMA/PRE-DEGREE/FOUNDATION/CPES: Mostly all nigeria tertiary institution offers a diploma and/or pre-degree program.Diploma is a program that runs for 1/2/3 years depending on the school and course which upon completion give you admission into 200level through direct entry while pre-degree runs for 7-9month depending on the school which gives you admission into 100level upon completion.
In addition to my findings about pre-degree some school requires you to pass your jamb but some dont mind your jamb score.The underlisted are some university that don’t mind your jamb score
(a)lautech ogbomosho
(b)adekule ajasin
(c)bayaro university
(d)unaab abeokuta
(e)unaad ekiti
(f)futa akure(required 180 jamb score)
(g)And many more!!!
For available pre degree/diploma/foundation/cpes forms, and to help you obtain and fill your application forms successfully, Contact VNTI On: or 2348153020360
3.THROUGH ANY LEGITIMATE A’LEVEL AWARDING EDUCATIONAL CONSULT: There are some legitimate educational consult across nigeria that award A’level result which can be use to apply for admission into 200level in any tertiary institution in and outside nigeria(i don’t want to mention names because am not here to make advert for any)
There is no much difference between my No.1 and these, just that my No.1 can only be used in nigeria,authorized by government and mostly recognized by our tertiary institution.
4.THROUGH SCHOOLS OUTSIDE NIGERIA: All schools outside nigeria dontrequire you writing jamb or your jamb score, All its requires is your WAEC, or WAEC-GCE result which you must at least have (minimum of 4 credit in one sitting,and 5 credit two sittings)
In-line with my finding,going for these option largely depends on anyone you can afford,for example studying within west africa(e.g Ghana) are muchcheaper than travelling abroad.So the decision is yours!

5.THROUGH SOME PROFESSIONAL/INTERNAL COURSES OFFERED IN OUR UNIVERSITY AND POLYTECHNIC: In my finding,i was able to find out that The Polytechnic Ibadan offers a course called LOGISTIC AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT,These course is not among the school curricular courses but done within the school and offers a National Diploma(ND) upon the completion of two years.
So many of the internal courses are done in our tertiary institution which people don’t know about and doesn’t requires you writing jamb or post jamb. call and ask your friend,relatives in any tertiary institution and enquiry about courses done in his/her school that doesn’t require jamb or post jamb.
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