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4 Things You Should DO On a Blind Date

Chances of your date turning out to be exactly the way you imagine are good as nil. Go to the date with an open mind, ditch preconceived notions and go with the flow. If you allow your expectations to rule your date, you will definitely have a horrid time
1. Drinks Instead of Dinner
You could be Don Juan himself, but going for dinner on a blind date adds more pressure on you. You’ll be trying to make a good impression on her to begin with and hopefully, she’ll be trying to do the same thing. Dinner is formal and you two will be conscious about the way you talk, what you order, how you eat, etc. And when you’re worrying about all these little pointers, you miss out on enjoying your date. Drinks, on the other hand, are easier to handle, they loosen you up and allow for easier, informal conversation. However, be wary about the number of drinks you have.
2. Choose an Unfamiliar Place
You don’t want to go to one of your favourite haunts on a blind date. You’ve got to err on the side of caution and pick an unfamiliar restaurant. This way, you avoid bumping into people you know and you will be able to concentrate only on your date.
3. Ditch Preconceived Notions
All of us have our own idea of perfect – perfect figure, brains like Einstein, hot-on-the-trot, beautiful, creative, and the list goes on. Chances of your date turning out to be exactly the way you imagine are good as nil. Go to the date with an open mind, ditch preconceived notions and go with the flow. If you allow your expectations to rule your date, you will definitely have a horrid time because you’ll be focusing on what you’re missing and needless to say, the blind date will turn out to be a preposterous disaster.

4. Shelf the Sarcasm
It’s your first date and while sarcasm may come naturally to you, it may not go down so well with her. It’s great to be yourself but sometimes you have to pipe down the sarcasm, test the waters and then see how things go. Sarcasm may be charming for seem and totally discerning for others. If you like her and think this can go somewhere, turn the sarcasm down… for now. Besides, if it’s your first date, sarcasm is often misunderstood; best not to start on the wrong foot.

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