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FAT IS HANDSOME: Ethiopian Naked Fat Men Competes For MR FAT

Ethiopia's Bodi or Me'en people, bigger is always better. The tribe, which lives in a remote corner of Ethiopia's Omo Valley, is home to an unusual ritual which sees young men gorge on cow's blood and milk in a bid to be crowned the fattest man.
Six months after starting the regime, the men emerge to show off their newly engorged physiques and for a winner to be chosen. The champion fat man is then feted as a hero for the rest of his life.
Also their women use the ceremony to inspect potential future husbands...because in the Bodi tribe, fat is considered extremely attractive. Lol, more pics after the cut...

During the walk and the ceremony that follows, the Bodi women are on hand to help out the fat men with drinks of water and fortifying alcohol.
 The women attending the ceremony use it as an opportunity to show themselves off in their brightest and most beautiful clothes.
A Bodi woman displays her spectacular scar patterns and elegant gold coiled cuff jewellery.
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