Meet 78yrs old woman who joined class one in Primary School
Mariana Ong’ango Ololo is a 78years old widow grandmother who has just applied
for primary education in Obambo Primary School in Yenga village, south-west Kenya last month. As reported by The Daily Nation, she declared she did it to acomplished her passion for politics.
PICTURE 1: Mariana Ololo has started school alongside younger pupils in Class One at Obambo primary in Siaya county, Kenya
PICTURE 2: Mrs Ololo, 78, plays football with her younger classmates at Obambo primary school Continue....>
PICURE 3: Class teacher Beatrice Akinyi helps Mrs Ololo to write her name during a lesson. The grandmother was welcomed to the school once teachers planned how to deal with an elderly pupil
PICTURE 4: Class teacher Beatrice Akinyi helps Mrs Ololo to write her name during a lesson. The grandmother was welcomed to the school once teachers planned how to deal with an elderly pupil
PICTURE 5: Mrs Ololo working at her home in Yenga village, Siaya county
Source: Daily Nation.
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